Below is advice from Iowa HHS regarding handling ill or dead birds:

  • If you must handle a dead bird (i.e. homeowner removing it from their property), at a minimum, wear gloves and a mask, double bagging the carcass, and then performing good hand hygiene practices after contact and disposal (wash your hands with soap and water). For disposal of the carcass in local garbage pickup or at a landfill, have the community member check with their local trash hauler for any requirements and confirm that the landfill accepts animal carcasses.
  • If they report waste from sick or dead birds on their clothes or shoes,  wash clothing in hot water and to disinfect shoes (after removing any contamination such as visible poop) by spraying the outside with a benzalkonium chloride based commercial disinfectant (like Lysol* spray or similar product) and allow them to dry.
  • Keep their pets away from sick or dead birds.